"recall from" on all cues

I'm building a new showfile for a venue, that involves repatching a bunch of fixtures, i.e. in the old default file the cyc was 151->174 and in the new file it is 61->81. Is there a way to load up a cuelist from an old showfile and convert it to the new patch?
My best guess would be to import the cuelist from the old showfile, then run the following macro:

Chan 71 Thru 74 Recall_From 161 Thru 164
Go_To_Cue Next

But then I don't know how to end it when the macro gets to the last cue.

Parents Reply
  • Eos doesn't queue the commands so it will try and execute all these commands at once.

    You need to add some 'Wait' commands so Recall From is completed before moving on to the next channel.

    When I looked at the macro Blind wasn't  working (I didn't look into this) but if you add a 0.5 wait (wait is a softkey) before each command and this should then work if you manually go into Blind.

    If this was recalling more then intensity (like a mover) you may need to more of a wait time. With just intensity a wait or 0.2 or 0.1 maybe enough but I tried 0.5 as a default.

  • Nicks's solution is probably correct as he knows what he is talking about but just an observation. In the original macro I don't think there should be and enter after "thru" before 91. That would probably cause an error and mess the rest up.

    Also to check things try getting to blind in the correct tab manually first and then running the macro, as it's possible the macro was running in the wrong context i.e. If you were in patch and you ran that the keystrokes wouldn't make sense and a macro basically just presses keys for you with no real thought
  • Attached is the showfile with the macro fixed.

    I just learnt a macro to see what was needed to get me into Blind, it just needed Blind Blind Cue this also check you're in the correct place.

    Mike you do need the Enter after the Cue 1 Thru, if you don't have the enter the next number will try to select that cue. Cue 1 Thru will always select cue 1 to the last cue (in my showfiles I always have a cue 0.1, so for me it's Cue 0.1 Thru).

    Carlin_Default Macro Fixed 2017-12-04 13-38-56.esf
