LED Submaster Mixing

Hello ETC,


I'm having a problem writing my new LED CYC fixtures into a workable color mix state on my fader wing. I am using 6 Ovation B 2805 FC in 1c RGBAL full mode for my Cyc and GR units. I have them channeled at 304-309. We're replacing conventional fixtures with RGB mixing. I'd like to keep the same logic of a submitter on a fader controlling cyc at full R,G,B,A,L but I'm not able to mix with them. When I bring up any of the color subs, everything is fine, but when I go to mix in another color, they mix up to 50% and then override the first fader. How do I set the subs to mix one into the other without override?

  • The method that I use for submaster mixing of LED fixtures is to copy the fixture definition and change the home values of all the colors from 255 to 0 in the copied definition and the home value of intensity to full.

    Then you record filtered subs for your Red; Green; and Blue (And others like Amber or UV depending upon the fixture)

    That complicates a few things like the color picker and really shakes of the color engine and I'd never do this for a fully cued show, but for uncued shows like choir concerts, I really like it.
  • I think all we are in agreement that:

    1.we can store one parameter into each sub to mix.

    2.we can mix scenes with some parameters into each sub, but not like old school, but yes as Mike tells.

    3.Here is people that work in diferents areas, like bursk, concerts, theatre, broadcast... diferents kind of works. Meaby the solutions aren't for all.

    3. So, i request that it should be easier to change the sub mode LTP to HTP. Into the sub options, but this never worked as expect. xD

    Thanks all!

  • I think all we are in agreement that:

    1.we can store one parameter into each sub to mix.

    2.we can mix scenes with some parameters into each sub, but not like old school, but yes as Mike tells.

    3.Here is people that work in diferents areas, like bursk, concerts, theatre, broadcast... diferents kind of works. Meaby the solutions aren't for all.

    3. So, i request that it should be easier to change the sub mode LTP to HTP. Into the sub options, but this never worked as expect. xD

    Thanks all!

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