2.6.x paperwork

I just need to confirm that with the 4 recent Eos family software upgrades (2.6, 2.6.1, 2.6.2, and this weeks 2.6.3), the usual paperwork from ETC is less than usual.  IE not all new versions had Manual Supplements.


I'm still running 2.5.2, and hope to get caught up in the software in early January.  I just want to make sure that I can find all the paperwork for the intermediate steps.

I have found the 4 release notes (2.6.0, 2.6.1, 2.6.2, and 2.6.3), but only manual supplements for 2.6.0 and 2.6.3 

The current Facepanel short cuts and Hot Keys from v 2.6.0 are still valid.  Is this all correct?


Thanks very much.

Parents Reply
  • So why is the manual supplement for 2.6.3 hidden on the ETC website? It doesn't seem to be in the usual places.

    It isn't here for example: www.etcconnect.com/.../Software.aspx

    I did find them (Element version and the version for all the consoles) through a site search but they are usually on the software pages for the consoles, no?

    Results found for 'manual supplement 2.6.3'

    Eos Family v2.6.3 Operations Manual Supplement

    Element v2.6.3 Operations Manual Supplement
