What do different colours of Fixture Parameters mean and why are my lights being held on?

Hi All,


I'm very new to EOS - I came from ZerOS and there are some things which are deceptively similar (they look the same but actually function slightly differently). I cleared the show file on my Element (is this supposed to clear the whole patch as well?), and then I loaded ONLY patch, groups, and submasters from a previous show file. For some reason all of the fixtures are locked in a state, and I have no idea what's holding them there. Some moving yokes are pointed different places and some are outputting light as well. I have 'sneaked' everything and have checked that no submasters or channels are up. I will post an image below showing the live view screen and how all of my parameters are pink and not greyed out. What do all the colours mean? E.g. pink, yellow, green, blue, white?


Thanks very much,


P.S. I'm using Element 500ch, 40Fader

  • The colours mean the following.
    Green is a value that has come down from a previous cue. Think green is like grass.
    Blue is a value that has increased from a previous cue. Think blue is like sky
    Magenta is purple. Purple is a tracked value from a previous cue. Think purple rain is a track from Prince
    Yellow is a value from a sub. Think yellow submarine
    Red is a manual value that is not recorded anywhere.
    White is a blocked value and will not allow tracking values (purple) to pass.
    As for why every thing is on I have no idea what might be causing it.
    Hope the rest helps
  • The colours mean the following.
    Green is a value that has come down from a previous cue. Think green is like grass.
    Blue is a value that has increased from a previous cue. Think blue is like sky
    Magenta is purple. Purple is a tracked value from a previous cue. Think purple rain is a track from Prince
    Yellow is a value from a sub. Think yellow submarine
    Red is a manual value that is not recorded anywhere.
    White is a blocked value and will not allow tracking values (purple) to pass.
    As for why every thing is on I have no idea what might be causing it.
    Hope the rest helps