alert time in eos


I´m a Cobalt user and thinking of going over to Eos after the discontinues of the cobalt family.

So one of my many questions about Eos is if there is a equal function as the Alert Time in Cobalt and Congo.

I have tired searching for this I'm both the manual and forum and so on....

But this feature may have a different name in Eos than Cobalt. So my searching is without luck.

For those of you who doesn't know what alert time is. It is a feature that records the timing between the go button presses in the cue list.

And than displays it as a countdown the next time you run the cue list. 

A really handy thing for when my colleges are running the show and are not familiar with the show.

Hope this makes sense to you all..

Regards from a Swede in the north.
