Morphing fixtures for touring

Hi All,

I'll be right up front and tell you that I'm an MA guy, but I'm using a GIO constantly now that I'm working at a theatre. I have a client that wants me to build a show that he can take on tour. My question is, how do you morph (ma term) fixture on any EOS consoles? For those of you not familiar with the term "morphing":

Venue 1 has mac 700s. When I go to venue 2 I want the moving head spot fixtures there to do the same thing (within parameter capabilities) in the show file that the Mac 700s did the night before. In the MA world that's basically fixture morphing. I did a search on it here (and on youtube) and nothing came up for morphing on ETC consoles.

Is it as simple as just changing the fixture type for those particular channels? Will the parameter and show info just hop right over to the new spots? Any guidance here would be appreciated. 

