Magic Sheet Symbols Adobe Illustrator

Im looking for some help in creating magic sheet fixture symbols in adobe Illustrator. Specifically how do I manipulate to allow me to assign fill by intensity and colour when I eventually import into eos.

  • i know nothing about illustrator, but parts of your symbol reacting to selection, intensity and color is because of the layer or group name in the svg file.

    "etc_symbol_base0" = uses fill color intensity link (not color)
    "etc_symbol_base" = uses fill color and intensity link
    "etc_symbol_base2" = uses fill color intensity link (not color)

    "etc_symbol_outline0" = uses outline intensity link (not color)
    "etc_symbol_outline" = uses outline color and intensity link
    "etc_symbol_outline2" = uses outline intensity link (not color)
  • You can make them in illustrator simply by naming the top layer etc_symbol_outline and the bottom layer etc_symbol_base per the Custom Magic Sheet Fixture Symbols page. It's just making an outline and a shape to react independently from each other, making the outline white and the shape a solid color, and then you can export as an SVG and the layers will react accordingly as long as they're named correctly.
