MultiConsole Off stops working

Hi all,

I've found a weird situation where MultiConsole Off seems to get disabled. We're running an Ion and RPU with the Ion as primary. The show is setup for the stage manager to power on the Ion and click a "startup" macro which powers on NDs and runs MultiConsole On. After the show they click the "shutdown" macro which powers down NDs, has a 6 sec wait time, and then runs MultiConsole Off. Normally this all works fine. They've complained in show reports though that sometimes "shutdown" isn't working.

Testing it today I found that whenever the Ion is powered on and then a MultiConsole Off command is sent (like they're hitting the wrong macro first) it doesn't power down the Ion. It is doing something though so that once the RPU is powered on (via multiconsole), then multiconsole off is no longer working. I'll send a MultiConsole Off command from the Ion and nothing happens. RPU is still syncing though and saying it's the backup. Also interesting, if I do power off device at the RPU when it's in that state both the RPU and Ion power off at the same time. Doing power off device at the Ion though only shutdowns the Ion, and the RPU takes control. 

Anyone else run into this? It would be nice to make sure MultiConsole Off always powers down the whole system. Meanwhile I've told the stage manager to just be careful.

  • Follow up, I've been able to recreate this on various other systems. Currently I have a Gio@5 as primary and an Ion XE as backup. Normally, I power on the Gio@5 and send multi-console on to the Ion XE to start the day. Post show I send multi-console off to power down the XE and then shutdown the Gio@5.

    For the sake of bug testing, I enabled remote startup and shutdown on the Gio@5. To recreate the situation where the primary is forced off:

    • Power on Gio@5
    • Send multi console off command from Gio@5 (nothing happens, as expected)
    • Power on IonXE
    • On IonXE, double click Power Off Device to shutdown
    • This forces the Gio@5 to power off as well.

    If the multi console off command is not sent from the Gio@5 in the first place, powering off the IonXE doesn't affect the Gio@5.

    While it's not a bug that people should run into if they're using multi console commands properly, I still think it's concerning that there's a situation where your primary can be forced off unexpectedly.

  • I was able to replicate this issue. It has been submitted as EOS-49100

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