Wishist: Highlight should override effects

Highlight should override effects.  Is this something ETC is working on?

(I'll also throw in my continued opinion that Highlight should be a self-terminating state that doesn't clear your channel selection.)



Eos v2.7.3

  • Hey cool.  I just consulted the manual and found this:

    On a command line with a channel selection, you can use [Shift] & [High] to go into Highlight mode
    and send the selected channels to the default Highlight setting. This command will self terminate the
    command line.

    If you just use [High] , the command line will be cleared.

    So I'll adjust my above opinion and say you should be able to choose in Setup which behavior you get from the Highlight button.  But it should still override effects.

  • Hey cool.  I just consulted the manual and found this:

    On a command line with a channel selection, you can use [Shift] & [High] to go into Highlight mode
    and send the selected channels to the default Highlight setting. This command will self terminate the
    command line.

    If you just use [High] , the command line will be cleared.

    So I'll adjust my above opinion and say you should be able to choose in Setup which behavior you get from the Highlight button.  But it should still override effects.

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