Renumbering Cues, and properties (Links, FX, Intensity Times) change

I've been working on a piece for the past 6 months on the ION XE. Everything about the piece has been moved around and changed at some point. The cue list is a numbering and linking disaster. Every cue is SMPTE triggered, so the numbers don't really matter, except it's almost incomprehensible, and it has legs so it needs to make sense in a year or two.

Easy, right? Just Move-To all cues around until everything falls into a linear-ish progression. Time consuming, but easy. The first step would seem to be "renaming" the cues, starting from the end of the cue-list and working my way back - getting rid of all the .005's next to gaps of 100's of numbers, etc.

Except, when I use Move-To to rename but not rearrange, both for single cues and for larger chunks, things get weird.

The SMPTE and many of the FX running in the cues do not stay consistent. Sometimes, it's successful. Other times, the Time Code gets out of order, or a cue loses its Time Code while another one suddenly has two. FX are un-Stopping, tracking through until the next block.

I also had a series of cues suddenly have intensity time changes become active, though there is no intensity change - I checked, and nothing had changed in the programming of the intensities, just in the PSD.

There may be more going awry, but I have not been noting it, as those are the only things changing as viewable in the PSD. Every time, I undo until I'm back to my disaster file

This happens both on the console and on my nomad. Both are running 2.7.4. 

Thoughts? should I give up on a reasonable cue list and just label and note everything? Any suggestions on ways to troubleshoot/track what is going on? I haven't given tech support a call yet about this issue - I've been keeping them busy with some fixture issues, but I was hoping to take care of this over the 3-week break the talent is taking.

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