Printed magic sheets are fuzzy

I've been printing out my magic sheets to use as simple lighting plots. When I save the screenshot, the text and graphics are crisp and clean. When I print them, the text and graphics appear fuzzy. I'm using the default Windows 10 "Photos" app to print. Any tips on getting sharper text and graphics in the printed image?

  • Were you using the picture export option in the magic sheet, as that is what you want to use rather than just a screen shot.

    If you haven't spotted in the magic sheet, click the arrow to put into edit mode,  then in the top right panel where you normally select your buttons click the cogs(settings) panel.

    Scroll to the bottom where you have the Import/Export options and chose the picture export.

    The thing that is not at all obvious is if you change the file exenstion of the filename you want to save it as in that dialog to .svg intead of .png the program behaves differently and creates an .svg  The thing about svg files are they are vectors rather than rasters (bitmap png jpg etc) and so they can scale to any size with basically infinite resolution.

    So provided you have software capable of printing svg files you should get high res.

    However and this feels like a bit of a bug to me,  the print is of the sheet in edit mode not normal mode, so if your buttons are picking up from the label of the object rather than keyed in,  it displays  (label) on the button instead of Drums if that was the group name.

  • you should also be able to change the file extension when using the Save Screenshot function. that way you'll get a vector file of the magic sheet in Live rather than Edit mode.

  • Yes that does work well,  I'd failed to noticed the screen shot option on the Display Tools for the magic sheet tab and wondered what you meant when you posted a similar comment 4 months ago !!

  • Hi All,

    We had "EOS-34344 Magic Sheets: Add option to set resolution when saved to external file" already written.

    I have added "EOS-48836 Magic Sheets: Show availible file extensions (svg, png, etc...) when doing a Save Snapshot" because this feature is not documented in the manual or UI as far as I can see.

    This thread and a related one have been added to both issues as well.
