Difference between ETC Eos and Cobalt?

So I have done my fair share of programming and work on Eos boards, ion and element, however I have not worked on any cobalt based boards. I have read the product description for them and looked online but have not really found a good simple explanation of what the main difference are in their programs and what each of their strengths are compared to the other. Can anyone help me out?

  • Not a Cobalt specialist, but from what I know:

    a) complete different syntax (Cobalt for example 20 channel 50 level sets channel 20 at 50%, in EOS it would be 20 at 50 enter)

    b) Cobalt has a diffrent layout (obviously)

    c) afaik Cobalt is in the process of being discontinued (or already has been)

  • Not a Cobalt specialist, but from what I know:

    a) complete different syntax (Cobalt for example 20 channel 50 level sets channel 20 at 50%, in EOS it would be 20 at 50 enter)

    b) Cobalt has a diffrent layout (obviously)

    c) afaik Cobalt is in the process of being discontinued (or already has been)

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