OSC double triggering (touch OSC)

Hi all,

I'm using an ETC Nomad and am currently trying to set-up an OSC keyboard to help with programming using touch oscillator and Mac High Sierra. My issue is that each button seems to trigger twice. Ive checked it with oscillator and OSC data monitor. I only have Send on 'Press' checked for each button. I've tried just Send on 'Release' same result, local feedback on/off no change. Tried altering the range from 0 - 1 to 1-1 still no joy. Any thoughts suggestions would be gratefully received. also changed ports etc. Find this very strange to be honest. Tempted to try and use Lemur but I'd rather stick to Touch OSC as for some reason I have an easier time of connecting to different networks with Touch OSc.


Have tried to attach my touch oscillator file but not sure if it has worked. 

Google drive link may work


  • I can't open your file on google drive. It is asking for a specific email address to gain access.  What are the addresses and messages you are transmitting.  I have used both TouchOSC and Lemur for years without issue for pressing buttons and passing commands to the eos consoles.  I would suggest taking a look at the show control section of the manual for examples of useable OSC messages.

  • Hi Druuka,

    Thanks for your reply. No problem about opening the file. I found a template another user had posted and that works fine. I have now tested my template on a different computer and it is now working as expected with no double inputs. Very strange.

    Basically I had mapped the physical keyboard to osc to enable quicker programming I used this pdf found in this post.

    Basically when hit the 1 button on my template it was sending out



    So the software was returning channel 11.

    Likewise with those keys which have multiple functions based on the number of times pressed, they were registering as being pressed twice.

    I can only assume that as I was using various different osc applications at the time for monitoring and troubleshooting that I had somehow managed to create some crosstalk in some way.

    Thanks again

  • TouchOSC always* sends out two OSC commands for each button press - the 'press' and the 'release'.

    For most buttons, you need the "press" to send the value "1" and the "release" to send "0", as otherwise you're telling the console that you pressed the button twice (maybe at two different speeds, like piano keys)

    * At least, it did when I last used it.

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