Colors not fading on Magic Sheet

I asked this question a while back and never got an answer so I thought I'd try again.

I've been working with magic sheets for quite a while and just ran into an odd problem,  On my latest show file the symbols on the MS don't crossfade between colors.  When you hit the GO button the color on the magic sheet snaps to the next color.  The lights fade (change colors) normally but the MS changes colors in a 0 count.  The same thing happens if you grab a unit manually and "sneak" to another color (the lights fade colors normally but the MS snaps to the new color).  If I open an old board file the colors on the MS crossfade normally.  When I load the bad file to a board the problem move to the board too.

I'm assuming that I toggled a feature by accident but I can't figure out which one.  I like to use magic sheets to do rough cues offline and seeing the speed of a fade is very useful.

Anybody have any ideas on what I did?



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