Need Help ASAP with Clearing Parameters

Hey guys. I will try to explain this the best I can. For Easter service I have a magic sheet with a macro linking a particular group to a particular position and particular beam. There are two macros like this. When I use the macro button to put the group into the selected parameters, the tombstones read RED indicating the change without recording. When I hit GO to the next cue it remains RED. There is nothing in the command bar. If I hit BACK the RED disappears and the fixtures go to the recorded parameter. How do I get it to clear out so the RED is not present in the following cue. 

Any help is appreciated!


  • Your macros are setting manual values.  Then you hit go, they are still captured.  When you hit back, it is like running an out of sequence cue, as if you have said "Go to Cue Last Enter' and the forces the manual values out.

    Adding a clear at the end of the Macro should clear the channel selection from the command line and allow the cue to progress and take over the levels. 

    You mention this is not working- do you still have text on the command line when you hit go?

  • Your macros are setting manual values.  Then you hit go, they are still captured.  When you hit back, it is like running an out of sequence cue, as if you have said "Go to Cue Last Enter' and the forces the manual values out.

    Adding a clear at the end of the Macro should clear the channel selection from the command line and allow the cue to progress and take over the levels. 

    You mention this is not working- do you still have text on the command line when you hit go?
