Need Help ASAP with Clearing Parameters

Hey guys. I will try to explain this the best I can. For Easter service I have a magic sheet with a macro linking a particular group to a particular position and particular beam. There are two macros like this. When I use the macro button to put the group into the selected parameters, the tombstones read RED indicating the change without recording. When I hit GO to the next cue it remains RED. There is nothing in the command bar. If I hit BACK the RED disappears and the fixtures go to the recorded parameter. How do I get it to clear out so the RED is not present in the following cue. 

Any help is appreciated!


  • This is not a bug - this is how the console works. In the Eos only the values that have changed get played back. By adding an “assert” to the cue you are telling the console to treat all values as if they’re move instructions.

  • If running in CueOnly mode instead of tracking, this is not how having manual data up and playing a cue work together, correct?. Which is where our confusion with each other is coming from.

  • Cue Only is an editing tool, and has nothing to do with how things are played back, just how they are stored and modified.

  • This is strange because I work with manual data that isn't in my cues a lot, and when clearing the command line to make sure nothing is selected and advancing to the next cue, It has always restored to its background state, for as long as I could remember.

  • The rules are (and have always been):

    A selected channel with manual data will not move by playback

    A captured channel with manual data will not move by playback (selection status doesn't matter)

    A de-selected channel with manual data will only move parameters by playback if the incoming cue has move instructions for that parameter. Unless the incoming cue is asserted.

  • Whilst all the answers have been basically correct, I suspect some of them are thinking the issue you have is different to (at least what I think) it is.

    If you are running through a set of cue and then you do something manual to a light then as you move on through the cues the manual change remains until you get a cue that specifically sets that channel and parameter.   Normally this is what you'd want when running a show.

    In this particular case you however want to go back to the "normal" cue values once you are done with the particular focus/beam.  

    The button that does that is sneak.   So group and sneak will (normally over 5 seconds although you can put in a different time) remove your manual values.  (You could of course put that on a macro/command button on the magic sheet as a release function)

    Assert was the other option you had if that is added to each cue but that means every cue transition would override your manual values, which probably you wouldn't normally want.  (you could if you wanted use capture to then override the assert but its getting all a bit complex to get right on the fly)

    The other thing mentioned in the other replies which was clearing the command line, can be important as if you have a fixture selected then it stays with the manual values even if the cue being played wants to change those values.
