Issue Submaster Mapping | Bug/Feature?

So to give an idea of the situation:

I have a showfile with rig check cues living in cue list 2. I have a cue 0.3 that links to cue 2/1 and at the end of cuelist 2 it links back into cue 1/.05. Everytime it does this it maps a cuelist to the the fader wing.

This showfile is based upon my base showfile which I also did not clear all submasters from (this will be important later).

Operator had trouble yesterday with a particular fixture being on throughout the whole show.

I came in and [about] [Ch.] and found it had ended being recorded to submaster 12 which was a submaster created in my last show. But this submaster was not mapped to any faders in my current fader wing as I had cleared them before beginning. It *may* have we'l be there in the last show which this showfile is based off but as I said all of them were cleared from the fader wing.

I checked where that submaster was mapped to and the desk said fader 2/2. But this actually contained one of the cuelist duplicates mentioned earlier and not submaster 12....

So it seems because the desk auto-mapped the cuelist to fader 2/2, the submaster also got re-mapped there again as well?

Also, somehow sub 12 had been called to full and it stayed in for the whole show which I'm not sure how that would have occurred because I'm 99 percent sure the op didn't do this.....(could it be the fader was mapped with both the cuelist and submaster and that when a cue was fired in that cuestack it also fired the submaster?..)

Other than the submaster, the channels in sub 12 were only ever active in one cue and I could clearly see that it was because sub 12 was up that that was the reason the channel was up.

My workaround was to simply delete submaster 12 and I've now come up with a macro that auto clears the first available fader that the cuelist populates to so that it won't automap again. On this occasion it was fine, the lamp in question was focused only on dead space and so it wasn't at all noticeable that the light was on for the whole show so we were lucky.

What I'm wondering is, is it normal behaviour for a submaster previously cleared from a fader to map itself to a fader again when it is auto-mapped with the cuelist?..

Also, bar my macro workaround, is there a setting whereby the desk won't auto map the cuelist?...

I'm currently running Classic Ion on version 2.8.2.

Thanks in advance!

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