Sensor 3 Profile

Hi everyone,

We have a etc sensor 3 rack in the theater that I work in and we currently patch dimmer channels on our etc element as generic dimmer channels. Is there any benafit to having them patched into the console as sensor 3 dimmer channels? If so what?

Parents Reply Children
  • Hellow there...
    I´d have a related question.
    In a venue I just started working we do have Sensor3 Racks and till now everything was patched as Generic Dimmers.
    Now, when I change that to Sensor 3 they are in the device list by address. What I would like to do is grab the patched channel by address from the EOS patch and add it to the device list. Can this be done for the whole patch at once or do I have to do it 1 by 1? 
    And no, our patch is not 1-1 nor sequential... :-/

