
I had a problem updating my Colorsource CYC units via my Ion Xe20.

I have Updaterator on my home PC, my work laptop, and the IonXe.

As the Ion is not connected to the internet, I downloaded the CS Family Update (& the bootstrapper even though I'm upgrading from 1.6.0)

When I started up the Updaterator from my Ion, the Colorsource Family upgrades were missing from the list. Only the Colorsource PAR, Colorsource Thrupower, and Colorsource Transmitter were the only CS options.

I tried to "Select a file from my computer" and load the update I downloaded at home, The Ion Updaterator did nothing.

In retrospect, the only thing I did not try was the "Save for console" option because my console has Updaterator. Would that have made a difference as opposed to just porting the update?

Was there something else I missed? I never expected the same version of the software to be different.

