Can we get a way to save a “base” file that acts as a default that cannot be charged/updated without a password. Like a default file. I understand Cobalt has this and EOS users would enjoy it. This would help in multi user light labs and rental venues.

Can we get a way to save a “base” file that acts as a default that cannot be charged/updated without a password. Like a default file. I understand Cobalt has this and EOS users would enjoy it. This would help in multi user light labs and rental venues.

  • I believe this has been on the wish list for many years. 

  • Wow.  Could it be very complicated ? Wonder why it’s not been done ? 

  • Because for normal theater you not need?
    You can create an USB Drive with your default Show, you can create a Netdrive for store your default Show...

    And you can`t overwrite an existing show.
    You ever store a new version.
    So if you can`t overwrite the original Show -you can only delete it- why you must protect this extra?

    Teach you students give unique names for the file they create and work with.
    If you store "Base" ever and ever you get also ever and ever the timestamp.
    And EOS sort them, latest as first.

    I think that the reason why we can`t rename Showfiles and "move" files in CIA via drag and drop from folder to folder

  • In a normal theater it is kind of needed. We operate multiple spaces all with "stock files" some of these venues only see a lighting technician once or twice a month while there are many volunteers and clients that come in and operate the lighting consoles. It would clear up a good hour of my day having to walk through a volunteer on how to get to a stock file. While educating them is great. Most of the time they will work one or two shows and then its a new face again.

  • They call themself "Operator" and have not 5 $ for a USB Drive?
    Safe last status of own work?

    Plug in USB Drive, load Base-Show, unplug the USB Drive and if you wanne store the show you work for create an own folder at desk.
    So YOUR Base-Show on YOUR USB Drive is safe.

    Why you need a extra password protection...??? 

  • Agree with JLahr for all the reasons he mentions. Same with our lab with so many people moving through the system all the time.  

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