Adjust fine control resolution on Ion

Hi all,

first time on the thread so go easy on me! 

Possibly a stupid question but I’ve searched online and can’t seem to find an answer. When I use encoders in fine mode they are a bit too fine to be useful (ie one encoder click moves the value .001). I would really love to be able to adjust this resolution  independently of the coarse resolution, which I know you can adjust in the face panel settings. Is this possible? As it stands, fine control seems to be a little useless. Am sure i’m missing something here.

Thanks in advance for your help,


  • Following up on this. So it turns out what i'm looking for isn't technically possible, but I have come up with a workaround. By creating a macro that changes the values in the encoder resolution setup I can achieve more-or-less what I was looking for, although its a bit dull as the macro only works when it's set to foreground (guessing this has something to do with needing to be in the same user profile to make desk changes). As a simple feature request, it would be amazing if ETC could include a second set of fields in the encoder setup page so that both coarse and fine encoder settings are user-configurable. 

  • Thank you for reaching out. Since this post is quite old by now and workflows change, please let us know if this would still help your current workflows. If so please bring this over to the Feature Request forum.