Feature Request - AutoMark in Cue Parts

Hello!  Is there any way that we can add a way to have a fixture mark in any cue part other than 1 when we have AutoMark engaged?  I know the current solution for speeding up an AutoMark is to use discrete timing, but I work with designers who are very particular about the use of discrete timing and would much rather see marking times in, say, part 20.  Currently (at least in 2.8.3 Build 11), there's no way to do that without manually marking, which can lead to other issues with marking MC fixtures.

Also while we're talking about AutoMarking, could we get a Mark Time as a patch attribute?  Generally, I set my Mark Time to be 0.1 so that things mark as quickly as possible, but when I have scrollers in the rig, I can't really do that and have to do Mark Time Disabled (since I don't really like to hear flap-flap-flap-flap) which causes other fixtures to mark much slower.  If it was a patch attribute, I could make my LEDs mark in 0 seconds, my scrollers mark in 3 seconds, and my other movers mark in 0.5 seconds.

Or (and I know I'm reaching a bit), could we get Mark Time as a separate column of the Playback Display alongside Intensity, Focus, Color, and Beam time so that we can set the mark time separate from other discrete timing?

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