Can't change effect rate multi faders.


EOS 2.9.0

When having a cue stack with effects on and expand so it get two extra faders for effect rate and size the maximum and minimum rate and size can't be changed. It's stucked on 200 and 0.

Also on the old wing (20 faders wide, 2 buttons) the LEDs don't lid up for cue stacks (and expanded masters) I don't know if it's working as intended. Subs make a green and inhibits red light. Makes it hard to see if it's content on the masters. 

  • Hi,

    it is expected behavior on the Universal Wing to not have the LEDs lit when there's a cue list loaded (technically expected, not saying it's ideal). On the newer wings the lower button is lit white when a cue list is loaded, so my guess is that since the Universal Wing only has red and green LEDs, that is not possible.

    I am also seeing that it is impossible to change this cuelists rate / size to other values, same with the master playback if assigned as FX size / rate. Not sure if that's expected or not, I will forward this to check.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi,

    it is expected behavior on the Universal Wing to not have the LEDs lit when there's a cue list loaded (technically expected, not saying it's ideal). On the newer wings the lower button is lit white when a cue list is loaded, so my guess is that since the Universal Wing only has red and green LEDs, that is not possible.

    I am also seeing that it is impossible to change this cuelists rate / size to other values, same with the master playback if assigned as FX size / rate. Not sure if that's expected or not, I will forward this to check.

    Kind regards,

