ETCNomad not supporting fade times?

Hi all! 

I've recently started using ETC Nomad and have noticed that when I type a command that specifies a fade time the lights in our hall change brightness instantly rather than in the specified time, does anyone know what could cause this? The timer displays normally on the eos software.

When I installed the software it said that ETC could not be added to the trusted publishers list (I'm using Windows 10), could that have anything to do with it/do I need to fix that?

Any help for a lighting newbie would be very much appreciated!

  • I'm assuming you're using something like Chan 1 At Full Time 3 Enter? If that's bringing up the channel instantly that would be expected behaviour. Chan 1 At Full Sneak 3 Enter however should bring it up in a fade

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to ueliriegg

    Yeah that's exactly what I was doing, that's very helpful to know thank you! Can I ask why the 'Time 3' command doesn't work? Also even if I don't specify (e.g. Chan 1 At Full) it happens instantly, where can I change the settings for default fade time? Apologies if these are silly questions!

  • When you type Chan [X] At Full Time X Enter look at the bottom right of the “Tombstone” for channel [X]. You will see a red “t”. What you have typed is the syntax for preparing to record a discrete timing for that channel. For instance, type Chan 1 At Full Time 3 Enter. The red “t” should appear in Channel 1’s tombstone. Then type Record 1 Enter to record Cue 1. The red “t” should now turn blue because you have recorded a discrete timing for Channel 1. Now run Cue 1 in the master fader. If your Nomad default is set to record cues at a 5 second fade, any other channels you have recorded in Cue 1 will fade in over a period of 5 seconds. However, Channel 1 will use the discrete time you recorded and fade in over a period of 3 seconds.

    There is a way to set the manual default time to fade in using a time other than 0 seconds. I don’t suggest it since you will have to wait that amount of time for any channel you want to bring up manually which would be frustrating while recording cues. Should you decide you prefer to change the default you will find it in the Setup menu, User Settings, Manual Control tab. It is in the section for Manual Timing.

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to Steve Martin

    Thank you that clears things up massively, much appreciated!

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