Inconsistency - Checkboxes in shell related to primary/backup


This one confused me for a few days, but it seems like I've tracked down the issue.

There are two boxes in the network tab of the ECU related to primary/backup relationships:

"Backup Takes over at higher priority"

"Backup Automatically takes control"

The first setting--"Backup takes over at higher priority" appears to take it's "checkedness" from the setting on the initial primary console.  If it's checked on the primary, the state of the box on the device running as backup doesn't matter.

The second setting--"Backup automatically takes control" appears to take it's "checkedness" from the setting on the initial backup console.  The box on the primary seems to be ignored in this situation.

I'm not sure logically which version makes more sense, but I think making it consistent (and clearer in the shell where you should set those settings) would be very beneficial for clarity of how the multiconsole adventure works.


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