Multiple Eos Versions on a single computer

I am trying to think ahead to when Eos v3.0 is released.  We have 2 Ions and 1 Eos Classic in different venues on campus.  The 2 Ions are Windows 7e machines which should be able to update to Eos v3.0 when it is released.  As I understand it, the Eos Classic is not eligible to be rebuilt to enable it to run on Windows 7e.  Therefore it will not be able to update to Eos v3.0 and its last available software version will be the last release of Eos v2.9.  I use a laptop with Nomad installed to log on as a client to these consoles.  Is it possible to run multiple Eos Versions on a single computer so I can continue to log in as a client when the consoles are no longer on the same software version?  If yes, how do I choose which software version opens?  Also, will fixture library updates continue to be released for Eos v2.9 post v3.0's release?

Parents Reply
  • Ueli,

    Thanks for this.  I just installed Eos v3.0 and I now have in my Start menu a Launch Eos Family button that launches v2.9.17 and a Launch Eos Family v3 button that launches v3.0.  For others who haven't watched the Eos v3.0 Software Introduction on YouTube, Nick mentions a button in the Shell that allows you to switch back and forth between software versions.  That button is only available for consoles, not Nomad, which is why I had this question.
