Bug Report: Eos Monitor Arrangement and Mirroring

We are currently running Eos software and cannot upgrade due to active shows running. 

We have re-discovered a long forgotten bug where a mirrored RVI does not respect the Monitor Mapping settings inside the console software as it relates to the console being mirrored. 

It seems the device doing the mirroring (the RVI) still uses the Monitor settings from it's own shell compared to the monitor settings from the console's shell regardless of the mapping assignments inside the console software. 

Example: We have two Eos TIs. Normally the external monitors are D, E, F in that order in the shell. Inside the software they would be 3,4,5.  Normally the RVI's monitors are A,B,C in its own shell. Inside the software the RVI is 1,2,3. 

If one of the TIs were to boot up and loose their shell monitor arrangements,the TI may set its monitors to E,D,F.  To account for this change, we should be able to set the TI's monitors inside the console software 3,4,5. When we do that, our snapshots run correctly on our console and all seems fine (which is great). Once the RVI tries to mirror that console though, the screens are now in the wrong order. The will appear to be, B, A, C even though the Monitor Mapping settings inside the console software on all the devices are "correct" to our designations. 

