Wish: "Hold Last Selection"


I move this discussion/wish from the FB group to the forums:

I would like a "hold Selection" soft key for pre programing. When a pallet for example is recorded Eos releases the selection and you have to press select last to get the selection back. Anne sayed on FB that entering manual value often re-select last. This happens in some cases but far from all. Things like encoders and ML controls goes blank or change content making it impossible to select by entering a value.

A place I can see this in use is in V3+ where you can focus your rig in Argment3d and then record a pallet. I did a full grid with 10 by 10 pallets like this with Capture and Cobalt over CITP where I get feedback from Capture to the desk in just a few minutes. a bit like Eos will get inV3. But on a 10 by 10 grid, needing to press "Select last" will give 99 more keystrokes then just a soft button saying "hold last selection" (I don't know how V3 solve this, but out of Anne's answer on FB I guess nothing will change on the selection part) I see same when I want to make other Pallets. If I use a CMY fixture and it release the selection RAGB comes up on the encoders so I lose the selection. Or if I want to make a color wheel in to pallets. 

A little wish.

  • Loosing the selection is the most annoying behavior on EOS Family, it cost so much time when programming and slows down work progress.
    Select Last is the most used button on the console, also for many other users and meanwhile - a running gag.
    Like Anne says, sometimes the selection comes automatically back, but only sometimes. When changing Tabs, selection is lost....... frustrating
    It is ok to have automatism but only when I can switch it off. As a programmer I should have control and not an automatism.
    The same problem is with Autoblock.
    I think the ETC EOS Family is the only console on the market with this behavior, so many users which comes from other consoles like transtechnik, MA ... are not happy with it.

    Sorry, this has to be said

  • Thank you for reaching out. Since this post is quite old by now and workflows change, please let us know if this would still help your current workflows. If so please bring this over to the Feature Request forum.