Fader option requests

I would like to see some fader options added, 

1: Off at 0- The ability to turn a cuelist off (similar to goto cue 0) by bringing the fader to 0. 

2; Go when on- The ability to activate a cuelist that is off by lifting the fader off of 0

3; Reset on restore- When selected, the ability to have a cuelist reset to first cue when turned off (resetting the cuelist to cue 1 by moving the fader to 0 then off 0), and when de-selected, the ability for the cuelist to stand by to go to last cue used when turned off (maintain the place in the cue stack so when i lift the fader off 0 the list activates the cue that was running when the list was turned off)

These options are essential for running multi cuelists! featured on the Hog and MA2 platforms. 

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