Keeping Channel Levels

I'm powering a couple of LED MLs off a regular dimmer and have set this at FL in a submaster. This ensure they are fully powered down between shows. But when I'm cueing up I sometimes use Select Active Out and kill that (power) channel. What's the best way keep a dimmer under any circumstances other than powering don't the board?.  

  • Depending on what dimmer rack you have, most of them have a module on it that allows you to set them to "non-dim" and full power, this can not be changed by the console without some fancy RDM that I can't explain. Then they will stay on until you power down your dimmers. I would also recommend that you not use dimmers for any intel fixture, it is not made for them, and they do not handle them very well. For my final recommendation, if you do want to be able to cut the power from the console you can park them at full, then they will not change even when you pull your sub/clear your cue stack/go to cue out/anything. Once you power down your console, again depending on your dimmers' sleep timer, they will shut down, and when you turn on your console they will regain power automatically.


  • Depending on what dimmer rack you have, most of them have a module on it that allows you to set them to "non-dim" and full power, this can not be changed by the console without some fancy RDM that I can't explain. Then they will stay on until you power down your dimmers. I would also recommend that you not use dimmers for any intel fixture, it is not made for them, and they do not handle them very well. For my final recommendation, if you do want to be able to cut the power from the console you can park them at full, then they will not change even when you pull your sub/clear your cue stack/go to cue out/anything. Once you power down your console, again depending on your dimmers' sleep timer, they will shut down, and when you turn on your console they will regain power automatically.


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