Fixture Lists

I try to keep our MS up-to-date between shows but visiting the stage recently saw some lamps on the floor. Cleary some changes had been made. Is there a way to get a list of all the fixtures used in the cue list? I know we can see everything being used in the blind spreadsheet (what a useful screen that is) - perhaps something could be exported as a .cvs file. I could use MySQL to sort and report only sole instances for fixture use.  The I'd be able to check the MS is correct.

  • Off the top of my head, I'm not sure if About does this.

    but I do know that if you Print the show Patch, you get a list of Fixture Personalities used in your show file. e.g.:

    Fixture Personalities


    Chroma QColor Force II 72 RGBA x2 On Top MC x 6

    Chroma QColor One 100 RGBAI x 11

    ETC FixturesColorSource SPOT Direct x 6

    GenericDimmer x 36

    Look SolutionsUnique 2.1 x 1

    Total Patched: 60

  • Hey Wuz thanks. We often have fixtures patcehd but not necessarily hanging. That's why I was thinking if someone went to the trouble to hang a fixture they would want to put it in a cue. And, I need to put it on MS. Hmm! thinking cap. Stay safe

  • I you use the print option in the CIA, if you select All you'll probably get a few hundred page pdf with lots of sections in it (there's an index at the front) but its bound to have the info you want in it.

    I just ran it on a small show file and the index list looks like

    Show Channels.................................................................................Page 1
    Channels Used in Cues that Never Move Above Zero.....................Page 1
    Unused Patched Channels................................................................Page 1
    Fixture Personalities.........................................................................Page 1
    Fixture Patch.....................................................................................Page 2
    DmxPatch..........................................................................................Page 14
    Cues..................................................................................................Page 19
    Submasters........................................................................................Page 109
    Presets..............................................................................................Page 124
    Intensity Palettes..............................................................................,.Page 140
    Focus Palettes....................................................................................Page 150
    Color Palettes....................................................................................Page 165
    Beam Palettes...................................................................................Page 177
    Groups............................................................................................Page 179
    Effects...........................................................................................Page 185
    Curves............................................................................................Page 215
    Macros............................................................................................Page 218
    Show Control Event Lists................................................................Page 241
    Color Path.......................................................................................Page 241
    Utilization Report................................................................................Page 243
    Partitions........................................................................................Page 376
    Fader Config......................................................................................Page 376
    System Settings...................................................................................Page 377
    User Settings.....................................................................................Page 379
    Device Settings...................................................................................Page 380

    (Layout goes wrong pasting it here but it gives you an idea of the content)


  • HI Mike. I had been using export [Cues] which listed them but not the fixtures. Your idea to Print showed not only cues but all used channels. Thanks 
