Accesing Control Parameter / Mode for Focus Parameters

Hey there,

how do I access control parameter? Like when I create a new fixture type with parameter of control type?

I always modify fixture types of my moving lights. One reason is, that the manual and so the fixture type in library just fit 99%. Second reason is that I like to have 0° Pan always facing me instead of being to one side. So far so good. That works. Problem is that when I let a fixture stand instead of hang on truss, it does not fit anymore. I could create another fixture type with changed pan tilt ranges. I do not like it. So I created one that has "Position Mode" as a virtual parameter and Pan and Tilt have to modes refering to how Position Mode is set. But then I always have that Position mode selection in Front. And I do not need it often. It would be nice to access it in patch like gobo wheel selections are accessed. I thought a control parameter would be like that but... I don't know.

Can someone help me?

Thanks, Lars

  • Lars, I think perhaps setting a customized home preset for the home position of these fixtures might be easier for you. Position your lights as desired in your starting position. Record just the pan and tilt information (include focus, exclude everything else) into that preset *just for those channels*. Then in your browser, under setup>system settings>system>home preset, assign that preset number. Give that a try and see if that achieves what you desire.

    There are also options in patch to invert pan and tilt if a fixture is hung in the "wrong" orientation if that would be helpful, as well.

  • Inverting Pan or Tilt does not work for me. The tilt range is from -104 to 111 degree in 16bit with 0° at value (255^2)/2. Kind of weird but... And I want 0/0 to be z-achsis of the fixture. So my macros work. 

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