Custom Direct Select Double Click Sensitivity

Good morning.

I am a huge fan of using Custom Direct Selects and am quite used to double-clicking to place whatever is in my command line to a custom direct select (IE, [Record] [Color Palette] [9] [Enter], double-click custom direct select to place it).  Since upgrading to Eos 3.0, I've noticed that I am having a much harder time double-clicking.  It almost seems like I need to double-click at an almost inhuman rate before the direct select will populate.  I've basically resorted to tapping the direct select as quickly as I can until it finally populates, but it's significantly added to my programming time.

Did this get tweaked in 3.0?  It doesn't seem to make a difference if I use the touchscreen or a mouse and I can't find anything in settings to change the sensitivity.

- Jesse
