Create Auto-follow Cues based on Effect Duration (Number of Cycles)

I’d like to know if we can create auto-follow cues based on the Effect Duration,
more precisely by giving a special number of cycles. 

For instance :
Cue 1 starts effect 201 for 4 cycles
then I’d like Cue 2 to start automatically for a duration of  8 cycles
then to automatically starts Cue 3 for 16 cycles...

Is there a way to trigger the following cue via the Duration of an effect ?

Cue 1 :
Time : 0
Starts effects 201
BPM 60
Duration : 4 cycles
It means this the effect runs 4 x 4 seconds

Cue 2 :
Time : 0
Starts effect 202
BPM 60
Duration : 8 cycles
It means this the effect runs 8 x 4 seconds

Time : 0
Starts Effect 203
BPM : 60
Duration : 16 cycles
It means that this effect runs 16 x 4 seconds

For the purpose of my question, I choose an easy BPM : 60 (or 1 beat per second.)
It becomes less easy to do the math with BPM at 88 or 46.

Of course, I can calculate and use the Follow/Hang...
but this is precisely what I'd like to avoid.

Thanks for your answers and greetings from Paris

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