Clearing Subs

I have some data in (say) sub 1. I make a change to the lights and use Record Only to record put the new changes into Sub 1. This record only merges the new changes into the sub. Fine.

At the moment if I want to find only my latest changes in that sub I would use "Delete Sub 1" before saving them.

If there any other prose I can use on the CL that will not merge my latest changes but will completely replace what was there before. Is this something to do with the two bump buttons under the sub fader?

  • Going to add to this. The upper button under the subs on our Element 2 are currently configured to Group/Assert. But the action seems odd to me. Say I set to FL a light, record only it into sub one then use different lights for subs 2, 3, 4. Ok. They they all work very well. But pressing the upper (Group) button seems to select a group made up of ALL the channels recorded in the that AND the lower numbered subs! I there a rhyme or reason to this?

  • Going to add to this. The upper button under the subs on our Element 2 are currently configured to Group/Assert. But the action seems odd to me. Say I set to FL a light, record only it into sub one then use different lights for subs 2, 3, 4. Ok. They they all work very well. But pressing the upper (Group) button seems to select a group made up of ALL the channels recorded in the that AND the lower numbered subs! I there a rhyme or reason to this?

  • the reason the Group/Assert button has a double name is that it performs two actions. while the sub is at 0 the button is a Group button which performs Group Sub x. when the fader is >0 it is an Assert Playback button

  • Thought the title was double but as the Element 2 is said not to have the Assert feature I know little about it. Back to that Group though. Is it a useful busking feature to be able to group all the channels in that sub and ones to its left? We just do straight plays and I get some weird things from the techs. I think these may be an inadvertent press on the upper button. I tried to turn a (Upper)  button off but I can't without it having something in it! I.E make so that nothing happens if it gets and accidental press. I don't know, but I suspect some of this has to do with other EOS consoles switching fader functions over from Fixture to Sub. ELE2 has a rotary control which we keep in sub.  
