What’s the best way to connect two EOS ti

Hi! In the Teatro Real of Madrid, we have two EOS ti, one working as a master and another working as a backup. They were connected with the rest of our equipment through a 10/100mbps hub using just one of the net card. However, a net technician told us the best way to connect this two EOS is through the second net card with a 1GB hub and using the first net card to connect with the rest of our equipment through another 10/100 or 1GB hub. He told us this is the most common way to connect this two EOS. Could you give me your opinion? Thanks.

Greetings from Spain. 

  • The way that you have the consoles setup is how I do a tracking back-up.  ETCNET3 allows the consoles to communicate and for a seamless failover if the master console drops off the network.

    In the method that is being suggested to you, the master console's connection to the gateways could be interrupted on the 1st network card but still be healthy on the 2nd connection to the back-up.  The back-up would never know that it was supposed to take control of the rig.  Other consoles on the market run the output and console networks separately, but ETC uses one network connection except for special circumstances.

    I am sure that someone from ETC will chime in, but I like the way you have it.


    P.S.  I remember the area around the Teatro Real fondly from my last trip to Madrid in 2006.

  • The way that you have the consoles setup is how I do a tracking back-up.  ETCNET3 allows the consoles to communicate and for a seamless failover if the master console drops off the network.

    In the method that is being suggested to you, the master console's connection to the gateways could be interrupted on the 1st network card but still be healthy on the 2nd connection to the back-up.  The back-up would never know that it was supposed to take control of the rig.  Other consoles on the market run the output and console networks separately, but ETC uses one network connection except for special circumstances.

    I am sure that someone from ETC will chime in, but I like the way you have it.


    P.S.  I remember the area around the Teatro Real fondly from my last trip to Madrid in 2006.
