Subs & Channels at Priorities

Chan 1 at Full#

Record Sub 1#

Sub 1 at Full#

Record Cue 1/1#

Sub 1 Priority 10#

Chan 1 at 50#

Record Cue 2# (Sub takes control again, level bumps to Full. Good.)

Sub 1 at 55#

Channel 1 now goes to 78%. It should be at 55% of the value of sub 1 (55).

While this might be a useful feature (use background as 0 or something) this feels unintentional and buggy.


  • I ran into this again as well.

    As long as the Submaster has the same Priority as the Cue-List, the Values will only be overpowered as the Sub is higher as the Cue-Value.
    But if you make the Priority higher than the Cue-List, the additive Submaster will add with the first percent to the Cue-list.
    And it is not linear!

    But, if you have 100% Manual Values, the same will NOT happen to the Channel.
    So it only happens with recorded Data.

    Is this on purpose?
    I tested it with v3.10 and v2.9
