Luminosus Encoders on Akai APC mini

I am trying to use the encoder block on an Akai Midi pad.

This does have a reaction for Pan and Tilt, but it's very erratic.

In the Help menu it reads:

1. Configure encoder on BCF2000 by holding EDIT and turning the encoder, then turn encoder 1 (TYPE) till CC appears and encoder 6 (MODE) till 'rel1' appears.

So I have no idea how to execute this step 1 on an Akai pad. Or is it not even possible, or do you have to configure the encoders differently on other midi devices?

All info welcome, thanks!

  • those are different products from different manufacturers, so yes, the configuration (and the capabilities) are different.

    the midi protocol used to communicate between the BCF2000 or Akai and the luminosus computer is MIDI. Midi comes in various different flavors that has different properties. the BCF2000 instruction says that the encoder should send a midi flavor called CC (Control change). the advantage of CC is that the values are interpreted relatively. so it doesn't tell the encoder to go to 0 or to 47, but it tells it to increase by 1 or decrease by 1. you need this behaviour for endless controllers like an encoder, while a controller like a fader (that has two ends) works fine with absolute values that a Midi Note can send.

    so, to make a long story short: yes, the way to config is different. but you will want to find a way to make the Akai encoders send Midi CC.

  • Thanks! I found info on the Nomad fb group for a Behringer x-touch mini, how to configure encoders. I will give this a try first,  and use the Akai just for Macro's and faders. 

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