Multiple Cue list question

I’m having a multi-cue list brain fart if someone could help me out. I have 2 cue lists going and a set with a bunch of hallways. As the actors move up and down the hallways, I’d like to be able to bring up the lights over them as they pass.

My intention was to use CL 1 as the background levels for the scene and to use CL 2 to just control the one light above the actors and to use Go/Stop Back to busk with them as they move through the hallway. Might make sense to mention I’m in Cue Only mode (television).

My guess initial approach went something like this:

Q2/1 : Channel 1 at Full

Q2/2: Channel 2 at Full and Release Channel 1 so it will return to its Q1/ level

Q2/3: Channel 3 at full, release channel 2

Etc. etc.

First of all, is there a better way to achieve this? Secondly, it seems to be responding the way I’d like as I go forward through the list, but not responding when I go backwards. Is there a way I can use stop/back to go the other direction down the hallway/up the cue list?

Using an XE and also trying it with my nomad.
