Moving control from 2nd Cuelist back to main

Hey all, 

I‘m in the situation where I have values for some movinglights on cuelist 1. At some points, which are random atm, I want to start an endless loop of some cues on cuelist 2 where the MLs move in a circle. After a random time I want to manually release the movinglights to get them back to the values of the cue which is aktive on cuelist 1 at that moment. 
I tried several options and settings but I haven’t found the one which does exactly that. Does someone have an idea? Our consoles are running at 3.0. 

Stay healthy!

  • Are you releasing the lights back by releasing the cue list or by shutting off values to the lights?  Are your lists running LTP or HTP? I imagine you are LTP on both lists? Have you tried to take the 2nd list to cue 0?  Is background state enabled on cue list 1? Disabled on 2?

  • Are you releasing the lights back by releasing the cue list or by shutting off values to the lights?  Are your lists running LTP or HTP? I imagine you are LTP on both lists? Have you tried to take the 2nd list to cue 0?  Is background state enabled on cue list 1? Disabled on 2?

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