MC & Bump Button Behavior

Hi gang, I am having trouble understanding this behavior.  I have an Absolute Effect fluctuating a fixture's Cells' intensities from 35 to 40% recorded into a Cue.  I want to briefly override the effect to go to a sold 50% intensity.  In the HTP Sub, I have left the Master Channel out and put the Cells at 50%. When I hit the BUMP button, the Cells goto 50% from FL instead of raising up from the FX levels.

When applying the same effect to a non-MC, the behavior acts like I would expect--going up from the FX levels.

If I avoid the Bump Button, and manually raise up the fader, both fixtures act the same.  

The attached video shows the unwanted behavior.  Thanks!


ARRI 360



  • (Thanks to MWeeks728) It looks like the Sub is grabbing the Cue Level values as soon as I hit the BUMP button and fading from there.  The riddle is solved by putting the Cells at 0% in the Background Cue; then the Fade drives up from there and eventually HTPs past the FX levels.  Is this expected behavior?  Why does the Bump reference the Cue here?  

  • (Thanks to MWeeks728) It looks like the Sub is grabbing the Cue Level values as soon as I hit the BUMP button and fading from there.  The riddle is solved by putting the Cells at 0% in the Background Cue; then the Fade drives up from there and eventually HTPs past the FX levels.  Is this expected behavior?  Why does the Bump reference the Cue here?  

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