MC & Bump Button Behavior

Hi gang, I am having trouble understanding this behavior.  I have an Absolute Effect fluctuating a fixture's Cells' intensities from 35 to 40% recorded into a Cue.  I want to briefly override the effect to go to a sold 50% intensity.  In the HTP Sub, I have left the Master Channel out and put the Cells at 50%. When I hit the BUMP button, the Cells goto 50% from FL instead of raising up from the FX levels.

When applying the same effect to a non-MC, the behavior acts like I would expect--going up from the FX levels.

If I avoid the Bump Button, and manually raise up the fader, both fixtures act the same.  

The attached video shows the unwanted behavior.  Thanks!


ARRI 360



  • I explored this yesterday and it seems the sub will only reference the background cue and not the effect.  It doesn't seem you are able to give a background state to an effect so the effect is basically floating above the cue, in an unreferenced state.  HTP from a 0 cell value seems to fade the light in properly on a timed bump. The issue is with a timed bump and not a zero count, in Deetch's case it's a .3 fade up/down.  Changing the underlying cue is the current solution but if you are using a hard value effect (not proportional) then it can become an extra step.

    An interesting discovery though was that if using an LTP sub to do this, bumping the sub quickly can create a race condition error and forces the light into an override state and stick at the cue level. Essentially ignoring the sub and the effect. Some more quick clicks and the sub restores the light to the appropriate cue/sub level.  After some play I was able to do this on command, 2-3 clicks at Space Invaders speeds.  Deetsch was also able to replicate this after explaining it.  Essentially this means your bump up could mean a black out if you click too quickly.


  • I explored this yesterday and it seems the sub will only reference the background cue and not the effect.  It doesn't seem you are able to give a background state to an effect so the effect is basically floating above the cue, in an unreferenced state.  HTP from a 0 cell value seems to fade the light in properly on a timed bump. The issue is with a timed bump and not a zero count, in Deetch's case it's a .3 fade up/down.  Changing the underlying cue is the current solution but if you are using a hard value effect (not proportional) then it can become an extra step.

    An interesting discovery though was that if using an LTP sub to do this, bumping the sub quickly can create a race condition error and forces the light into an override state and stick at the cue level. Essentially ignoring the sub and the effect. Some more quick clicks and the sub restores the light to the appropriate cue/sub level.  After some play I was able to do this on command, 2-3 clicks at Space Invaders speeds.  Deetsch was also able to replicate this after explaining it.  Essentially this means your bump up could mean a black out if you click too quickly.


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