Reverse effect eos

Hi everyone, 

i have a linear effect on 20 par led, they turn on solo. I would like to control the direction of the par on live.

for exemple: if they go from number 100 to 115, I would like to be able to go from 115 to 100 in live to follow the dancer.

I try with reverse in the effect but it restart at the first light and not the current one. I try with macro but without succès. I read some forum on etc community but it seems that from 2.9 Version, the solution I had read not working any more. 

sorry for my bad English, I hope someone can give me a solution. thanks 

  • I don't know a clean way to do this, I've always thought we should have a way of making the fader be a proportion of where in a chase it could be. Then you could rock back and forth on it.  Because that's not the case as far as I know I have two solutions I use:

    Pixelmap, in your case I'd take a square, conform it down to a bar and then you put the PAN value on a fader, so you go up and down on the fader and it moves over your parcans, allowing you to follow.  I do this a lot in commercials, music videos and movies where we have to "interact" with lights on.

    Second solution, which is harder when following someone is to have two LTP chases, one from each direction and you start and stop whichever is needed to run the other direction.  Rate on a slider.  This creates a wipe or laser type effect from either side.  In film production this is handy for "poors mans process".  Consistent timing and effect are easier here but it's harder to do something like you want, following a dancer.

    I'd do process one.

  • I don't know a clean way to do this, I've always thought we should have a way of making the fader be a proportion of where in a chase it could be. Then you could rock back and forth on it.  Because that's not the case as far as I know I have two solutions I use:

    Pixelmap, in your case I'd take a square, conform it down to a bar and then you put the PAN value on a fader, so you go up and down on the fader and it moves over your parcans, allowing you to follow.  I do this a lot in commercials, music videos and movies where we have to "interact" with lights on.

    Second solution, which is harder when following someone is to have two LTP chases, one from each direction and you start and stop whichever is needed to run the other direction.  Rate on a slider.  This creates a wipe or laser type effect from either side.  In film production this is handy for "poors mans process".  Consistent timing and effect are easier here but it's harder to do something like you want, following a dancer.

    I'd do process one.

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