Submaster Config - Background possible bug.

Hi, Today I was creating a show file which demonstrates the different possible behaviours of submasters. When looking at the background option I followed the example in the manual and encountered the following behaviour.

I had channels stored in the active cue at 25%.

I had channels stored in sub 1 at 35%. This sub was set to background disabled.

I had channels stored in sub 2 at 45%.

When I raised sub 1 channels went to 35%. When I raised sub 2 channels went to 45%. It is my understanding with background disabled on sub 1 that when I pull down sub 2, the channels should go back down to 25% as per the levels recorded in the cue, bypassing any information in sub 1. This has not been the case and the channels are returning to the level of sub 1.

All Subs and Cues are set to Priority 4 as per default.

EOS version 3 build 389.

As I said, this seems like a bug but happy to be pointed in the right direction if this is user error.


