Sensor dimmers not showing up in device list

Hi Folks,

I have two venues, each running a pair of Sensor+ racks and an Ion classic.  I recently networked the racks to do software updates on them, and thought I would connect them to the Ion to be able to see them in the device list, but they are not showing up.  I did have one rack connected briefly, but at some point in the process I lost it and it hasn't connected since.  They're not AF racks, so it's not a big deal if it works or not, I was just curious as to what I'm doing wrong.

Possibly related is that when I log into three of the four racks with the web connect, it shows the other rack in the group as offline.  Not sure why, but I'm able to see both racks when I log into rack 2 at the one venue... just not the other way around.

Unfortunately we're shutting down for a bit so I don't know when I'll be able to troubleshoot this again, but if anyone has thoughts in the mean time I'd love to get this working properly when I'm back.

I do have sensor feedback enabled in the ION shells, and the rack pairs are set to racks 1 and 2 of group 1 at each venue.  I've changed the default IP addresses, etc., to match the router we use for the aRFR (it was the only network switch I had handy), but I changed both racks settings in each rack so it should know what the other rack's IP is.

Thanks in advance for any help, and let me know if I've missed any crucial information... I'm pretty new to dealing with networking these things.

