I upgraded a networked ion Xe and a Gio @5 yesterday to 2.9.2. I meant to exit to the shell on both machines and update them independently, however I forgot to exit the Gio which was running as backup. After I had updated the Ion's Eos software and installed the latest fixture library I started it up and it reconnected to the Gio, which transferred the show, and then the Gio started to update itself to 2.9.2 automatically copying the installation files from the Ion. Nice! This worked well, however after restarting in 2.9.2 the Gio needed to also update the fixture library, and while this appeared to work after restarting there would be a synchronization failure, it would attempt to reinstall the fixture library, and then repeat. I was able to break out of the loop and install the fixture library from USB drive, which completed the upgrade and got everything working again.
This seems like a really great feature for a networked environment, but perhaps there is something that needs tweaking in 2.9.2 or the current 2.9.x fixture library to allow it to complete successfully in this scenario, assuming it wasn't down to a quirk on that machine. I've since updated them to 3.0 but I did that fully independently to avoid a possible repeat.