Relation between Cue list and Faders

Hello i am trying to understand how cue lists interact with Faders. and i have the following questions that remains :

To work with intensities, can I go to a cue where my channel 1 is at 50%(for exemple) and take control of this channel with a fader when it cross this value in order to increase of decrease it directly.

when i hit my bump button and release it, my concerned channel return to my fader value, is there a way to make it go to my Cue value ?

Thanks a lot and i'm sorry for my english (I'm french and i m'trying to do the best i can !).


  • and to explain a bit more regarding faders:

    faders are the physical things that you can move. to make it influence something you have to assign it to a function or a content. this content can be a submaster (which is just a type of memory that can be assigned to a fader, but can also work without fader), a cuelist, a preset, a palette, multiple presets or multiple palettes. or you can assign it to functions like Global Effect Master or Manual Time.

    so the relationship with faders and cuelists is that a cuelist has to be assigned to a fader if you want it to playback (eos will usually do the assignment automatically, but you can change it if you want).

    the relationship between cuelists and other things assigned to a fader (like a sub), is that there are priority rules that decide who wins.

  • and to explain a bit more regarding faders:

    faders are the physical things that you can move. to make it influence something you have to assign it to a function or a content. this content can be a submaster (which is just a type of memory that can be assigned to a fader, but can also work without fader), a cuelist, a preset, a palette, multiple presets or multiple palettes. or you can assign it to functions like Global Effect Master or Manual Time.

    so the relationship with faders and cuelists is that a cuelist has to be assigned to a fader if you want it to playback (eos will usually do the assignment automatically, but you can change it if you want).

    the relationship between cuelists and other things assigned to a fader (like a sub), is that there are priority rules that decide who wins.

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