Custom Fixture Profile Issue v 3.0.1

Running into a weird issue when building a custom fixture profile. My programming class is building custom profiles and it's happening across multiple consoles and nomads.
While building a new fixture profile and trying to enter range data for some parameters like color select whenever I insert a new range I get a "ranges many not overlap error" by the nature of adding a new line to the range table things overlap until you can edit the data, but every new line triggers the error and kicks you out of the range table. Is anyone else coming across this? (it worked fine when I tried the very first range table in the fixture profile, then when I started a new parameter and new range table it happens every time I try to add a range)
  • This sounds akin to the issue reported here
    We were unable to reproduce at that time.

    Would you be able to take a video or screenshots of this happening so we can work towards finding a reproducer?

  • @Saranow Hi Sara - I'm currently experiencing the same issue and have a video of it happening if you have an email address for me to send it over? It's something I've noticed most times I've tried to use the fixture editor in my history of using the console so not a new issue, but one that's never bothered me enough to report before! 

  • You can either attach it to this post or in a private message, or send it to service (at) etcconnect (dot) com and mention this post, please.

  • No worries - looks like it hasn't worked from my end (it's quite a large video) so I can email to service if you can't open it! :) 

  • I was able to retrieve the file.  I think the preview is broken because of the size, however.

    I'll get this written up as a bug so we can get it fixed.
