"MASTER" button on Ion Xe/20

Can't seem to find the answer to this in documentation or searching through this forum.  Maybe I'm just not wording my lookups correctly.  There's a button labelled "MASTER" above the two sliders that are above the GO and STOP buttons.  What is it for, how is it used or where should I go to find this information.  Thank you!  Jack

  • This is the load button for the master fader pair. It's used to load content onto the master faders. On larger consoles there is a button above each of the individual faders as well for the same purpose, but on Ion Xe, you press both of the buttons below the fader at the same time.

    Example: [Cue] [1] [/] [Master] will load cue list 1 onto the master fader.

  • This is the load button for the master fader pair. It's used to load content onto the master faders. On larger consoles there is a button above each of the individual faders as well for the same purpose, but on Ion Xe, you press both of the buttons below the fader at the same time.

    Example: [Cue] [1] [/] [Master] will load cue list 1 onto the master fader.

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