Preview Pending Thought..

Just a thought, I have a feeling this might have already been the subject of countless discussions but just in case not:

q1 ch1 @50

q2 ch1@70

q3 ch1@20

When I'm in q1, PREVIEW PENDING shows the pending level for ch1 as 70

When I'm in q2, PREVIEW PENDING shows the pending level for ch1 as 20

That's all correct.


in q1, press GO - the pending level of ch1 immediately shows as 20 (because it's the pending level q 2 to q3 and we're now 'in' q2 even though it's not complete)

My thought: should the pending level continue to show as 70 UNTIL q2 is complete, then show as 20?

That way I could know where the light was going to end up as the cue was running....

As I said, just a thought.

